South Sudan Journey 2015
In January 2015, the Rev. Dave Carver and the Rev. Ken White led a team of six people to South Sudan for a time of prayer and reflection with our brothers and sisters in the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SSPEC).
They spent time with leaders and mission co-workers in worship, retreat, celebration, listening, story-telling, faith-sharing and sharing of meals.
The theme of the trip was "The Things that Make for Peace."
Read more about their fruitful trip in the links below:
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #1, January 14, 2015
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #2, January 15, 2015
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #3, January 17, 2015
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #4, January 18, 2015
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #5, January 21, 2015
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #6, January 24, 2015
- South Sudan Partnership Trip #7, January 25, 2015
You can learn more about the ongoing conflict and struggle in the Nuba Mountains.
The highlight of the visit for many of our South Sudanese colleagues was the opportunity to participate in a retreat at RECONCILE,
a center for peace studies and trauma healing that is host to my friends Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather, two PC(USA) mission co-workers.
Newsweek published an article
last fall that, while lengthy, provides some significant insight into the role that Americans have, and can, play in this crisis.
You can learn more about the two pastors who are currently being detained without charges by the Sudanese Secret police.